Dubai Run 2023: A collective success!

Dubai, the city that never ceases to amaze, conducted its annual marathon, the Dubai Run, as part of the DFC (Dubai Fitness Challenge) on November 26, 2023. And it truly became a symbol of unity, strength, and teamwork for everyone who participated.

At Delight Foundation, sustaining a healthy work environment is of greater importance, and we believe it goes beyond the office walls. Dubai Run became a prospect to embrace an active lifestyle and further promote employee well-being. The decision to participate in the marathon was met with enthusiasm, and we seized the opportunity with one accord.

As the day of the marathon approached, the management took proactive actions to ensure complete employee participation. This resonated with employees and nurtured a spirit of friendly competition. Nevertheless, the marathon served the purpose of moving us towards a common goal, and each stride taken by the participants was a shared success for the entire organization.

From the boardroom to the racing track, the participants stood with unmatched passion, and this inclusive approach transcended hierarchical boundaries and created stronger bonds between the employees. The diverse group of participants added vibrancy to the event, and witnessing them cross the finish line was certainly a sight to behold.

Undoubtedly, the Dubai Run 2023 proved to be a unique experience that created a lively atmosphere brimmed with passion and togetherness. As the city witnessed the epitome of unity and the strides echoed in the alleys, it once again proved that the marathon was more than just a race. And we are eagerly anticipating attending more such events in the future as well. Overall, Dubai Run 2023 left a remarkable impression on everyone who participated.

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